Reading is an incredible habit. Books are the best way to escape a little from reality and travel to different places without taking a single step. They are best when it comes to gaining knowledge. Books are a world of their own and once you enter it will be tough to go out of it. But getting started with reading books is a task on its own. Some people are not able to finish the book while some slip out after reading two pages only. And there can be a long list of reasons for it like lack of concentration, not liking the book, not getting enough time to read, or anything in general. Sometimes people who are determined to read a book also find it difficult to do so.
Mentioned below are some ways by which you can enter the world of books and begin your reading journey.

How to Start Your Reading Journey
Start With Simple Books
The very simple tip to start reading books is, to begin with, simple books. Go for books that have a simple language, simple plot, and are easy to understand. A very important factor of continuing with a book is to be able to understand it. A reader keeps reading a book only when he finds it interesting and understandable. So, a reader must try to avoid complex books or tough language books as their initial reads. And always go for some simple books. Some beginner-friendly books are Diary of a young girl, Room on the roof, The Kite runner, and more such books.
Read Regularly Without Skipping
Making reading books an everyday practice can be a great way to become a reader. One must try to read regularly. It is ok if you are not able to read a lot of pages then also read as many pages as you can. Even only ten pages will also do. But don’t skip a day. Because skipping days can create a break in the flow of reading. So, reading on a regular basis is a key factor in becoming a reader.
Find Your Favorite Place to Read
Make your favorite spot of your house a reading place. Chooses such a place that is comfortable, has good lighting, and inspires you to read. It doesn’t need to be a library or study table. Your reading place can be your favorite couch, a chair in the garden, or even your bed. It should be a place where you love sitting and reading books. Then you can make additions to it by making it aesthetically pleasing and a more appropriate place to read.
Make Reading Partners
Finding a companion in the completion of a task can be proven really beneficial in increasing motivation and improving efficiency. When you go jogging and have a pattern with you, you are inspired to take one round more, when you are doing push-ups and if someone is with you you will try to do ten extra push-ups. The same goes with reading if you have a reading companion then you will be inspired to read more. It can be your friend, your cousin and nowadays there are online reader groups that you can join to read books.
Carry Your Book With You
This might sound weird but will be of great help to you. Carry your with yourself wherever you go. Because you never know when can you go get a chance to read. It can be while traveling in a cab or while waiting on a Subway. Because at such times most of the times we simply start scrolling through our phone but if we carry a book with us we will be able to read it at any free time we get. It is also a great way to improve your reading efficiency as you will be able to read more pages in a day.
Pick Your Own Book to Read
Most of the time we read books that are recommended to us by someone else. Sometimes we like it and it is completely ok not to like it sometimes. So it is great to read a book of your own choice. You can first decide which is your favorite genre and then read some book reviews. It will help you a lot in reading books with interest. Making your own TBR list is a great motivator in finishing a book as it will excite you to read the next book.
Make it Your Me Time
We all must try to spend at least an hour of our day just with ourselves. At that time we must be all by ourselves and do something that makes us feel happy and we love to do. Reading can be one such thing and if you slowly grow interest in it then you will look forward to your reading time every day. This thing will definitely help you in developing a habit of reading.
Final Thoughts on How to Start Reading
Whenever we try to develop or adopt a new habit we are only gradually able to achieve it. So, if you are also someone who wants to start reading but find it difficult at the initial stages it is not a very big issue. With time you will be able to do it. Here are a few ways that will assist you in developing a reading habit. They are easy to adapt and once you start loving reading you will go deep inside it as books are a big world. Also, Check out our article on The Best Audiobooks For New Age Storytelling
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