Longest Mountain Ranges In The World

 In this article, we will be having a look at the longest mountain ranges in the world. Before doing that, however, we will also be spending some time on what mountains are. Stick around for the bonus part because we are not just discussing mountains but also volcanoes! Here, you will find the answer to all your questions when it comes to mountains, volcanoes, the lonest mountain range found on lad and the names of the biggest mountains.

What is a Mountain Range?

Snow-capped Mountain Range

A mountain range is also a concept that we must try to understand. What does one mean by a mountain range and what is the process of their formation? A mountain range is simply, comprised of mountains. When is there is a series or a row of naturally occurring mountains in one are then it is called a mountain range. Here are the names of some famous mountain ranges:

  1. The Himalayas
  2. The Andes
  3. The Rocky Mountains
  4. The Alps
  5. The Karakoram Range
  6. The Ural Mountains
  7. The Great Dividing Range
  8. The Eastern Ghats
  9. The Western Ghats
  10. The Aravalli Range

There is also something we call volcanic mountain which are one of the most fascinating phenomena on Earth. Next, let us have a look at that!

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Are Mountain Chains and Mountain Ranges the Same Thing?

A Mountain Range in Shimla, India

Mountain chains and mountain ranges are the same things. A mountain chain is a progression of mountains that are topographically connected together. Such mountains have a few likenesses between them like age, structure, and size. A mountain chain extends generally across main lands or nations and is regularly used to stamp limits. Mountain chains get their shape through a cycle, we call plate tectonics. Plates are pieces of the Earth’s hull, and when they impact, they clasp and power huge areas of land to rise. This is the justification for why a large portion of the mountains found in chains are Fold Mountains.

Longest Mountain Ranges in the World

Andes Mountain Range

This section will not only tell you the name of the largest mountain range but also the names of the most famous mountains in it, their heights as well as other interesting facts!

This topic brings forth many questions. The first of this is which is the longest mountain range on Earth? The largest mountain range on Earth is the Andes which are in South America. The Andes are an extremely popular range as well owing to several reasons. Firstly, the Andes has some of the highest peaks in all of the world. The Andes also has some volcanoes. Along with that, several thousands of years ago ancient nations have stayed and existed on the Andes.

The remains of these ancient people have been found. It is said that the civilization of the Incas lived on the mountain range centuries ago! Lastly, even the medicinal property that is used in the treatment of malaria has been found on the Andes itself.  The Andes, being the largest mountain range on Earth of course, runs across several South American countries and actually, spans a length of 4500 miles! Mount Aconcagua, in Argentina, is the largest mountain which one can see in the Andes.

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Facts about the Andes – The longest mountain range in the World

An Image of The Himalayan Mountain Range

Here, are a few facts that you need to know about the longest range of mountains in the world; the Andes:

Climatic Impact

As the Andes span over several countries in South America such as Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, it naturally also has a deep climactic impact on each of them. The northern part of the Andes are characterised by rainfall and the countries in that region are very wet. On the other hand, the eastern part of the Andes are characterised by dryness. This is also representative in the bordering country of Chile where one can also find the Atacama desert.

Home to Many Volcanoes

The Andes are popular range for several reasons. However, one of these reasons is that they are home to a number of volcanoes. The Andes are the site where one can find over fifty volcanoes. Out of these innumerable volcanoes the largest one is Ojos Del Salado. It does not fall in one particular country but actually at the border of Chile as well as Argentina. This particular volcano rises up to twenty-two thousand six hundred and fifteen feet.

Destination for tourists

At this point, more than a mountain range of wonder, the Andes have become a destination for tourists. Many cities have been formed at the base of the mountains that people can visit. They can have a look at these majestic mountains while they are there. One of the very popular tourist attractions are seeing the different sorts of plant species that are found in the mountain range. It is home to numerous plant families which have been used for the benefit of mankind and have also found a medicine for malaria. One can also do some tourist activities in the Andes such as trekking or hiking.

Andes Mountain


Since the mountain range is so high in height, city folk cannot go there and begin to live there. This is because their bodies are not adapted to those conditions. As one goes higher up in the Andes, one will have to face the lack of oxygen which can be very difficult and uncomfortable. Shepherds have, however, inhabited these regions of the Andes Mountain ranges. They are generally living at the level of seventeen thousand feet. Over the course of several years and maybe even generations their body has become used to the strenuous environmental conditions at such a height.

Animals Found

Several animals exist in the Andes. Naturally, just as human beings, they way that they c also have a way of adaptability to survive these harsh conditions. They also have specific features and mechanisms which helps them protect themselves from becoming another animal’s prey. As one goes higher up on the mountain range, the weather keeps getting colder so the animals that are higher up have really thick and warm fur. Some of the animals in the Andes Mountain range are the chinchillas, llamas, alpacas, vicuna and the Andean condor which is the largest type of vulture.


The Andes Mountain range are a type of fold mountains. There are other types of mountains that exist as well and the segregation takes place on the basis of their formation. Fold mountains are formed where two or more than two tectonic plates push against each other which in turn pushes up the Earth’s crust. Other than the Andes, two other very large mountain ranges are the Himalayas in Asia as well as the Alps in Europe.

The Names of other Large Mountain Ranges

The Andes Mountain Range on a Map
  • The Southern Great Escarpment in Africa which spans over various countries such as Zimbabwe, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia as well as Angola. They run for about five thousand kilometers.
  • The Rocky Mountain in Canada and the United States of America which runs for a length of four thousand eight hundred kilometers.
  • The Transantarctic Mountains in Antarctica which runs for a length of three thousand five hundred and forty-two kilometers.
  • The Great Dividing Range in Australia which runs for a length of three thousand and fifty-nine kilometers.
  • The Himalayas in Asia which span over various countries which are Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China as well as Myanmar. They run for a length of two thousand five hundred and seventy-six kilometers.

The Under Water Mountain Ranges

A Beautiful Mountain Range

The longest mountain range on Earth is the mid-sea edge. Spreading over 40,389 miles all over the planet, it’s really a worldwide milestone. Around 90% of the mid-sea edge framework is under the sea. This arrangement of mountains and valleys bungles the globe, looking like the join in a baseball. It’s shaped by the development of the Earth’s structural plates. As the extraordinary plates push separated, mountains and valleys structure along the ocean bottom as magma ascends to fill the holes.

As the Earth’s hull spreads, new sea depths are made. This cycle in a real sense restores the outer layer of our planet. Assuming you take a gander at a guide of the world’s volcanoes, you’ll view that as the majority of them structure along the limits of this incredible framework. Indeed, the worldwide mid-sea edge framework shapes the biggest single volcanic component on the Earth. The mid-sea edge comprises of thousands of individual volcanoes or volcanic edge portions which occasionally eject.

Here we come to the end of your perfect guide when it comes to the longest mountain range in the world! We hope to have answered all your questions in great detail. So, free your mind by learning and finding out everything you can!

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What are mountains and how are they formed?

Melted Snow From The Mountain Ranges

For a small child, perhaps, one could explain the mountain in the shape of a triangle. However, we must know that the sides of the mountain are not so smooth as a triangle. A mountain is a raised portion of earth’s crust and can reach an incredible height. The sides of the mountains stay inclined and rise so vertically that many are incredibly difficult to climb. Depending on what the climate of the area is, mountains could be in snow, they could have lush, green forests or even be completely barren with the bedrock visible. The top most point of the mountain is the peak or the summit of the mountain.

Mountains cannot be formed overnight. That is no secret! So, how are they actually formed? It takes the mountains, decades to be form. An interesting fact about the formation of mountains is that they are continuously growing. On the other hand, mountains can be formed underwater as well. The earth’s crust constitutes different plates and geographically, they are tectonic plates. These plates are able to move considerably from time to time. This may happen because of some strenuous natural and environmental change. The pushing of these tectonic plates against each other slowly starts bringing up a portion of the earth’s crust. Over a considerable period of time, the earth’s crust keeps pushing upwards so much that it forms a mountain.

What is the difference between Volcanoes and Mountains?

Image of a Volcano

If one has to define the volcano they can do so in the same way as a mountain. However, there is one difference between the two. In the manner, that a mountain is closed at the top and can be said to have a pointy peak or summit, the volcano does not. So, what happens instead? Instead of there being a closed peak, a volcano remains open and even releases certain things into the atmosphere through this opening. At the bottom of the volcano, there are cracks in the surface if the Earth. Along with that, there is lava and lots of dangerous gasses. This magma along with the gasses can come out and any time very violently. Here are the names of some volcanoes:

  1. The Kilauea
  2. The Volcano
  3. Mount Sint Helens
  4. The Volcano Mountain
  5. The Krakatoa
  6. The Mauna Loa
  7. The Yellowstone Caldera
  8. The Volcan Sangay
  9. Mount Pinatubo
  10. Mount Shishaldin

The volcanic mountains can either be dormant or they can be active. What does this mean? Do not worry because we have all the answers for you! When a volcanic mountain is dormant it means that it has not shown volcanic activity for a considerable period of time. Civilization can settle down near it without constant fear of having to face hot lava and ash spewing out of the volcano. On the other hand, there are some mountains on Earth that are active. This means that they may still have an eruption. It is dangerous to be around these active volcanoes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Mountain Ranges

Aerial view of the Snow-capped Andes Mountain Range, Chile, South America

Q. What causes the longest mountain range on Earth?

A. A mountain chain is a progression of mountains that are topographically connected together. Such mountains have a few likenesses between them like age, structure, and size. A mountain chain extends generally across main lands or nations and is regularly used to stamp limits. Mountain chains are shaped through a cycle called plate tectonics. Plates are pieces of the Earth’s hull, and when they impact, they clasp and power huge areas of land to rise. This is the justification for why a large portion of the mountains found in chains are Fold Mountains.

Q. Which Mountain range is the longest?

A. The Andes are the longest mountain range.

Q. Which country has the longest mountain range?

A. South America

13 Fascinating Facts About The Andes Mountain
Fascinating facts about the Andes

Q. How are mountains formed?

A. Mountains do not form overnight. That is no secret! So, how do they actually form. It takes the mountains decades to be formed. An interesting fact about the formation of mountains is that they are continuously growing. On the other hand, formation of mountains can take place underwater as well. The earth’s crust is made up of different plates and geographically, they are called tectonic plates. These plates are able to move considerably from time to time. This may happen because of some strenuous natural and environmental change. The pushing of these tectonic plates against each other slowly starts bringing up a portion of the earth’s crust. Over a considerable period of time, the earth’s crust is pushed up so much that it forms a mountain.

Q. What is a volcanic mountain?

A. Instead of there being a closed peak, a volcano remains open and even releases certain things into the atmosphere through this opening. At the bottom of the volcano, there are cracks in the surface if the Earth. Along with that, there is lava and lots of dangerous gasses. This magma along with the gasses can come out and any time very violently.

Q. Name some Volcanoes.

A. Here are the names of some volcanoes that you may like:

  1. The Kilauea
  2. The Volcano
  3. Mount Sint Helens
  4. The Volcano Mountain
  5. The Krakatoa
  6. The Mauna Loa
  7. The Yellowstone Caldera
  8. The Volcan Sangay
  9. Mount Pinatubo
  10. Mount Shishaldin

Q. What are under water mountains?

A. The longest mountain range on Earth is known as the mid-sea edge. Spreading over 40,389 miles all over the planet, it’s really a worldwide milestone. Around 90% of the mid-sea edge framework is under the sea. This arrangement of mountains and valleys bungles the globe, looking like the join in a baseball. It’s shaped by the development of the Earth’s structural plates. As the extraordinary plates push separated, mountains and valleys structure along the ocean bottom as magma ascends to fill the holes.

As the Earth’s hull spreads, new sea depths are made. This cycle in a real sense restores the outer layer of our planet. Assuming you take a gander at a guide of the world’s volcanoes, you’ll view that as the majority of them structure along the limits of this incredible framework. Indeed, the worldwide mid-sea edge framework shapes the biggest single volcanic component on the Earth. The mid-sea edge comprises of thousands of individual volcanoes or volcanic edge portions which occasionally eject.

Secrets of The Andes ⛰️ A 4K nature documentary
Secret of the Andes

Q. What is special about the Andes?

A. The largest mountain range on Earth is the Andes which are in South America. The Andes are an extremely popular range as well owing to several reasons. Firstly, the Andes has some of the highest peaks in all of the world. The Andes also has some volcanoes. Along with that, several thousands of years ago ancient nations have stayed and existed on the Andes. The remains of these ancient people have been found. It is said that the civilization of the Incas lived on the mountain range centuries ago! Lastly, even the medicinal property that is used in the treatment of malaria has been found on the Andes itself.  The Andes, being the largest mountain range on Earth of course, runs across several South American countries and actually, spans a length of 4500 miles! Mount Aconcagua, in Argentina, is the largest mountain found in the Andes.

Q. What sort of activities can one do near the Andes?

A. At this point, more than a mountain range of wonder, the Andes have become a destination for tourists. Many cities have been formed at the base of the mountains that people can visit. They can have a look at these majestic mountains while they are there. One of the very popular tourist attractions are seeing the different sorts of plant species that are found in the mountain range. It is home to numerous plant families which have been used for the benefit of mankind and have also found a medicine for malaria. One can also do some tourist activities in the Andes such as trekking or hiking.

Q. Are there animals on the Andes? Which ones?

A. Several animals are found on the Andes. Naturally, just as human beings, they are also built in a way that they can survive these harsh conditions. They also have specific features and mechanisms which helps them protect themselves from becoming another animal’s prey. As one goes higher up on the mountain range, the weather keeps getting colder so the animals that are higher up have really thick and warm fur. Some of the animals that are found in the Andes Mountain range are the chinchillas, llamas, alpacas, vicuna and the Andean condor which is the largest type of vulture that there can be.

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