
All about Black Leopard

Leopards are the one alongside the other exciting varieties of cats that we know of. However, there is another category of leopards whose skin shines bright black. The black eopard’s black coat coloration is due to the expression of recessive genes, while jaguars’ coat coloration is due to dominant alleles. A specific set of alleles induces the […]

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The Various Parts of a Tree and their Functions

Trees have been on the Earth from around 370 million years. Interestingly, according to a 2015 estimate, the world’s tree population is about 3.04 trillion, with 1.39 trillion or 46 per cent in the tropics or subtropics, 0.61 trillion or 20 per cent in temperate zones, and 0.74 trillion or 24 per cent in coniferous boreal forests. […]

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What are the 6 Seasons in India?

The seasons remind us that change is a law of nature. It is also a sign of advancement. In India, the main reason for this is that there are names of the six seasons following an ancient Hindu calendar (the Lunisolar Hindu). The twelve months of the calendar are split into 6 seasons with two months each. Read on to know more about each […]

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What are the 8 planets’ names in Hindi? 

Let’s look at the different planets in the solar system. How is a planet defined? The International Astronomical Union defines a true planet as a body that orbits the sun without being a satellite of another object. Furthermore, it must be large enough to be rounded by its own gravity and has “cleared its neighbourhood” of […]

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Teaching Science to Your Kids? Adopt a New Way

Teaching science can be tough. After all, what if you forget something or omit a crucial concept? To be honest, science isn’t that difficult. Teaching in a homeschool is a rewarding experience in the real world. Read the following article to get to know-how. To learn science, group the kids together There’s no need to go insane […]

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Interesting Facts About Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are prehistoric, reptilian creatures that lived on the Earth 245 million years ago. They varied greatly in size and shape. Some weighed over 80 tones and were 120 feet long, while others were as small as a chicken and only weighed 8 pounds. Dinosaurs were meat-eaters as well as plant-eaters. They stayed on land, in the water and some even flew […]

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Know The Importance Of Science Experiments For Kids!

As we already know, kids are always excited to know about things. They always remain curious to know about details and reasons. One of the most exciting things for kids is to perform science experiments. Simple experiments which include oil, water, sugar, salt etc. are the most exciting activities for children. It is important to […]

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How To Get Kids Interested In STEM Subjects?

Children are naturally very curious. Everything in the world is new to them. Thus they always want to see, touch and understand how things work. Young kids are also capable of understanding science, math and technology. However, without proper stimulation to learn these subjects, they lose interest. Thus, parents need to encourage learning at home. IN this article, we […]

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How to teach kids to protect the environment

 The action and ignorance of our ancestors have left the world in shambles. With the environmental concerns growing day by day, it becomes our duty to protect the world from any more damage. The future of the planet is in the hands of our children. The beliefs we instil in them and the habits they […]

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The Different Types of Sensors and Its Applications

Sensors are extensively used in numerous electrical appliances throughout the world. They strive to make our lives simpler by performing many jobs such as turning on the lights when we walk in the room, detecting smoke or fire, regulating the room temperature, making us a great cup of coffee, opening garage doors, etc. This article […]

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