7 Amazing Self-Love Books Everyone Must Read
Are you sulking after looking at the so-called ‘imperfections’ in the mirror? Or are you feeling burnt out and lonely without being a part of your school’s ‘cool group? Living in a world thriving with diversity can be hard. Every action and appearance get noticed. We get suffused under categories and even if we do […]
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Appreciating Nature: How to help your child develop an appreciation for nature?
Nature is an essential element for continuing life on earth. Every being, most of the time, relies directly on nature for living and surviving. After all, it is the primary source of air, nourishment, and safety. Therefore, it becomes essential to develop an appreciation for nature and acknowledge nature for all it has to provide. We as humans […]
Read MoreSome Books for Children with Learning Disabilities
Have you seen a beautiful garden with different varieties of flowers? After keenly observing a beautiful garden, one can realize that what makes a garden really beautiful is its diversity. In the same way, God has made every child differently. There are children with learning disabilities. One needs to understand that differences make this world wonderful and […]
Read MoreEmotional Quotient (EQ): How to Create An Emotionally Safe Zone For Children?
Whenever kids commit a wrong- accidentally or intentionally, their first instinct is to hide it from their parents. Children feel compelled to hide things from their parents even though the latter are the ones who care about them the most. However, this parenting dilemma is a natural encounter on a journey full of ups and […]
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15 Fun and Easy Indoor And Outdoor Kids Activities
Are your children are stuck at home with nothing to do? Don’t despair. You can learn so many things with just a few items around your home. We have listed a few ideas for kids activities for you to try. Maybe these will spark your imagination and get ideas flowing. 10 Indoor Fun Kids Activities DIY Glow […]
Read MoreHow to Learn Fashion Design?
What is Fashion Design? Fashion design is an art form that focuses on the creation of clothes and accessories for lifestyle. The modern fashion design can be divided into two main categories: haute couture or ready-to-wear. Haute couture is a collection that is exclusive to a specific customer and is tailored to their needs. To be considered an haute couture […]
Read MoreBenefits of Reading Books
Books are everywhere. All over larger cities and colleges, you will find bookstores and libraries of all sizes. All of them are filled with books, which is the most important thing of all. People who love reading books are grateful for the many places they can find them. People who don’t love books may not understand why […]
Read MoreHow to Make Easy Acrylic Paintings?
This guide to acrylic painting will help you find new ideas and get the most out of acrylic paints. You will find useful tips and hints to help you make an easy acrylic painting for beginners or experienced artists. It’s also a great way for kids to be interested in art. So why not have some fun with it and let […]
Read MoreOil Painting Techniques that Every Kid Should Know
Introduction The oil painting has a certain cachet because of the way it was popular and many European Renaissance masters use it. However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot use oil paints to create contemporary art. People use this type of paint very much because they are rich and versatile. Also, These steps are actually for oil painting images beginners if you want to add […]
Read MoreBest of Pencil Drawing Artists and Their Arts
Introduction of The Topic Do you know how many types of art forms are there in the world, who are the famous artists, and what all tools go behind making a masterpiece? The world of art is so vast and filled with beauty that once you enter it you will be mesmerized forever by looking at all […]
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