Search Results for: creative writing

English Story Writers

Reading books has become a necessary aspect of life. We have discussed in detail how they affect the lives of individuals and their benefits in the long term. Thus, novels or storybooks are one vital means of improving and indulging in the habit of reading books. While we talk about storybooks in this article, we refer […]

The trend of Prose Poetry and why it is famous

 Introduction Prose poetry mixes traditional poetry’s lyrical and metric aspects with prose’s idiomatic elements, such as conventional punctuation and the absence of line breaks. A prose poem may appear to be an unremarkable paragraph of standard prose at first glance, but a reader who digs deeper will notice poetic undertones in its metre, repetition, and […]

Types Of Characters In Fiction You Need To Know

 Incorporating a diverse range of characters is one of the best ways to create a captivating fictional book. You’ve probably seen some cliche characters in every literary scenario, from the super-strong hero to the devoted timid servant. But does every story have these characters? Is it important to include all kinds of characters? What exactly […]

What is Haiku Poetry?

Did you come across mere verses and find yourself dumbstruck? Or felt your inner soul twist and turn with the poet’s words? Verses composed as poetry never fail to resonate within our minds and continue to change our purpose of living. One such form of poetic art is Haiku. Three spell- binding lines and you will find yourself […]