Self-reliance is a personality attribute that parents should strive to instil in their children. A self-reliant child is more active, autonomous, creative, capable, and spontaneous than a child who is dependent on others. You are obviously wondering that a self-assured child would exhibit the same characteristics. However, there lays a fine line between self-reliance and self-confidence.
Being self-reliant is a more expansive term than self-assurance. While self-confidence refers to an individual’s specific skills and abilities, self-reliance refers to a person’s belief in his or her own inner resources to deal with any scenario.
Please remember, as long as you linger all over him like a clingy mother hen, your child will not learn self-reliance. You’ll have to master the art of letting go. But that will be a bit like balancing on a rope. If you release your child too soon, he or she may become insecure rather than autonomous.
On the other side, if you wait too long to let go, you may have already conditioned your child to be reliant on you.
Growth-mindset Parenting
On the other hand, Growth-mindset parenting, can teach your child that she has the ability to inspire the majority of her circumstances. It can show her that success is rarely a result of ability or luck, but rather of hard work, effort, and precise techniques.
According to the growth mindset theory, how your child interprets events determines whether or not she can readily overcome setbacks. A child with a growth mentality feels that she has the ability to progress. Whereas a child with a fixed mindset believes that things are set in stone and cannot be changed.
Why self-reliance?
Self-reliant people are self-sufficient, able to think and act independently, are not afraid of taking risks, and solve problems rather than worrying about them.
Such a person would rely on his own judgement, rarely seeking counsel or instruction from others. A self-reliant individual has more control over his life and is better equipped to deal with life’s unexpected twists and turns.
Note these points
Teach your children to recognise right from wrong, good from bad, ethical from unethical, moral from immoral, and so on. As a result, they will always select the correct course throughout life. Parents must provide a positive example for their children in order to instil virtues such as self-reliance.
As a result, in order to develop self-sufficient individuals, make sure you practise what you preach to your children.
Improve their problem-solving abilities. When youngsters are confronted with a problem, encourage them to come up with a solution on their own. Further, this improves their problem-solving abilities. However, you must surely assist them if they are unable to discover a solution or are attempting to handle the problem in an incorrect manner.
Allow them to learn from their mistakes. If your children make mistakes, do not scream or yell at them. By talking to them calmly, you can help them realise their error. Allow them to learn from their errors so that they do not repeat them in the future.
This one is important. Encourage participation in extracurricular activities. Encourage them to participate in after-school activities. Participating in such activities will give them the confidence to try new things on their own. Create opportunities for exploration. Thus, let go of your conventional orthodox self. Boost their skills by participation. This doesn’t spoil them.
Allow your children plenty of opportunities to try new things and think for themselves. Encourage decision-making. Enhance your children’s decision-making abilities. Give them appropriate options and allow them to choose what is best for them. This will help them think more clearly and make better decisions.
Autonomy-supportive parenting
https://www.youtube.com/embed/ChLbkUwrAMU?feature=oembedHow to make your child self-reliant!
Parenting that promotes autonomy is what we know as autonomy-supportive parenting. Are we building reliance in our children in every single time with them, or are we giving them the power to make their own decisions? Here, we not referring to giving kids complete control over everything; rather, we are referring to the minor hows, whens, whys, and wherefores that we tend to prescribe for them.
A study found that children with autonomy-supportive parents were far more likely to persevere through setbacks and frustrations and complete tasks when their parents were not present, whereas children with controlling or dependent parents were far more likely to become frustrated and give up when their parents were not present.
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