Yoga Benefits for Kids: A Way to Better Life

Yoga has been in quite a vogue these days. An Indian subcontinent originated ancient art; it shows its existence from the Upanishads and gained its complete prominence in the early 20th century under the influence of Swami Vivekananda. It is the best method to connect with nature by balancing the mind-body connection.

Yoga has a large variety of postures that have different benefits. It is good for both physical health and mental health. Other than that it is really good at the spiritual level as well. The benefits of Yoga for adults as well as kids are myriad.

Therefore, kids should practice Yoga to foster their sense of self-respect-for what their body can do. Moreover, Yoga is beneficial for kids because it helps maintain a sense of calm and equilibrium- which helps children navigate stress, excitable moods and to assist muscle balance, flexibility, and growth. To elaborate on these benefits, Podium School brings to you this read for your little darling’s well-being, health, and happiness. Read on till the end to discover this powerful world of Yogic wellness!

8 Fun Yoga Poses for Children - Yogamatters Blog
Yoga Benefits for Kids

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Yoga Strenghtens Respiratory organs

Yoga helps us focus on rhythmic breathing. Often as kids grow up, they don’t learn how to breathe properly- and this is true! Ideally, the stomach should inflate when inhaling and deflate when exhaling. However, as we grow, this conscious activity becomes obsolete. Therefore, it’s important to inculcate proper breathing techniques in young kids to aid and stimulate proper blood flow to the lungs.

Yoga further helps in improving the working of all the other organs while focusing on proper respiration techniques. Sukhasana is the best asana to perform if you face some problems while breathing. It can help increase breath and body awareness, slow respiratory rate, promote calm and relieve stress.

With incessant air pollution, it is really important for kids to take good care of their lungs so that any serious problems can be prevented. Doing Pranayam reguraly is very beneficial.

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Yoga Strenghtens Respiratory organs

Protects from Lifestyle Diseases

Our lifestyle plays a huge role in our health. If we have a lazy lifestyle there are more chances of lifestyle diseases. Lifestyle diseases like asthma, diabetes, and obesity can be avoided in children if they are encouraged to practice Yoga regularly.

Along with a balanced diet, Yoga for kids is extremely beneficial in keeping lifestyle troubles at bay. Some asanas that are really good to prevent these health problems are Bhujangasana, Tadasana, Chakrasana, Trikonasana, and many more.

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Protects from Lifestyle Diseases

Yoga is Good For Mental Health

Our mental health is as important as our physical health. In the case of kids, changes hurried by the onset of puberty and other hormonal activities can make them feel restless and disturbed. Therefore, Yoga for kids helps them to keep up their equilibrium and tackle these changes with a fresh mind.

While in more serious cases, child therapy can help with kids’ mental health and its care, treatments coupled with Yoga are immensely beneficial for kids. For more information on children’s therapy, check out this article on the Podium Blog.

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Yoga For Mental Health

Yoga for Your Kid’s Gut

According to science most of our health problems begin from our stomachs. So taking good care of our digestive organs is important. All of our digestive organs like the intestines, liver, pancreas are super sensitive and can affect the health of the whole body. There’s growing interest in finding natural relief for digestive issues through yoga and gentle movement.

Yoga Sequences For Kids - YOGA PRACTICE
Yoga for Your Kid’s Gut

To support their digestive organs one can try asanas like Sukhasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Shanvasana and Matyasnana. They can prevent digestion problems like gestation, constipation, and acidity. A good digestive system can help in maintaining the health of the overall body as all the nutrients of food can be extracted and utilized by the body in a much better way. With our depleting eating habits and inculcating munching habits, it is necessary to take care of our digestion.

Introducing yoga to your kids

Good for Muscled And Bones

Bones have held our body at a place and given it, a structure and muscle are the reason for each and every moment our body can make. And if the working of any of these systems is affected it can impact the working and movements of the whole body. Doing Yoga regularly can help in maintaining our bones and muscles as it involves gentle and slow movements which are good for the body.

5 Evidence-Based Benefits of Yoga for Kids - Your Therapy Source
Good for Muscled And Bones

While performing this when you do deep breathing it increases blood flow and warms up all the muscles. It also improves the strength, balance, and flexibility of the body. Asanas good for this are Trikonasana, Chakrasana, Vrakshasana, and many otherr asanas. It also improves the posture of the body. Feel free to check out this wonderful Yoga practice routine for kids, here!

Yoga Asana Benefits For Kids

Final Thoughts

Yoga has a lot of benefits. And now it is not limited to the borders of our nation as people from all around the world are adopting it by looking at its benefits. It does not require a lot of effort to do it. Therefore, you must encourage your kids to take up this lovely and grounding practice. The key to milk benefits from Yoga is to be consistent with it. We suggest you perform these Asanas with your kid for better bonding as well as a coordinated exercise routine!

We also recommend our contemporary dance program which involves a lot of stretches and lifts and couple along with Yoga for kids. Watch your kids bloom into well-rounded, healthy individuals with Podium School’s regular updates on positive parenting, right here on the Podium Blog.

Till then, Toodles!

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