Search Results for: movies

Studio Ghibli: The Greatest Animation Movies by Studio Ghibli

At times a movie lifts itself from being a bare cinematic experience to being a work of art. Studio Ghibli, which specializes in animated pictures has established itself as a plant that creates exquisite cinematic artworks time after time. Whilst also making sure that the pictures are exceedingly pleasurable, amusing and, when needed profound. The pictures filled […]

7 Movies about Kids Emotions and Emotional Intelligence

As a society, we are slowly progressing into believing that emotional intelligence is much more important than cognitive intelligence. The first step was taken in the right direction, which is important that as a community, we appreciate the importance of emotional intelligence and sensitivity. It is often people with higher EQ (Emotional Quotient), that become great communicators, […]

The Greatest Female Characters in Children’s Movies

    Children’s books with strong female characters are important for all genders to learn. The exploits of fictional heroines are likely to boost a young girl’s sense of confidence and identity. Both are incredibly important in life. Although, it appears that fewer women are fully self-assuring as time goes on. We should encourage authors to […]

Top Disney Princess Movies All Kids Need to Watch

Every child is familiar with the big castle and fireworks and the celebrated background music. Yes!!! We are definitely talking about the charming and enchanting movies by Disney. Disney have had inspired the young crowd for a very long time, thus creating an alternate universe of imagination. Countless movies have been produced to serve different life lessons and morals for […]